Advances in International Applied Mathematics
Advances in International Applied Mathematics. 2022; 4: (1) ; 10.12208/j. aam.20220005 .
总浏览量: 771
江西省赣州林业工程公司 江西赣州
中国上海移动公司 上海
*通讯作者: 涂成如,单位:江西省赣州林业工程公司 江西赣州;
本文为了证明孪生素数无限,采用由小到大的 等顺序素数,从它们无限个公倍数两侧的 ,筛留A式所示无限的孪生奇数,既证明了是不小于[5与7]孪生素数唯一无限的来源,也证明了自然数列不会存在“连续无限孪生浑合数”,也就是证明了自然数列不会存在“最大孪生素数”,因而证明了孪生素数无限。
In this paper, in order to prove that the twin primes are infinite, thep1 , p2 ,…, pn equal-order prime numbers, from which on both sides of their infinite common multiples∓1.Sieve the infinite twin odd numbers shown in formula A, which proves that it is not less than, [5 and 7] The only infinite source of twin primes also proves that there will be no "continuous infinite twin unison" in the sequence of natural numbers, that is, it proves that there is no "maximum twin prime" in the sequence of natural numbers, thus proving that the twin primes are infinite.
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[2] 楼世拓 , 邬冬华. 黎曼猜想, 辽宁教育出版社. 1987.