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Advances in International Psychology. 2022; 4: (1) ; 10.12208/j. aip.20220004 .

Parental control and aggression of college students: the mediating role of empathy

作者: 管梓桐, 于红军 *, 刘视湘

北京联合大学师范学院心理学系 北京

*通讯作者: 于红军,单位:北京联合大学师范学院心理学系 北京;

引用本文: 管梓桐, 于红军, 刘视湘 大学生父母控制与攻击性:共情的中介作用[J]. 国际心理学进展, 2022; 4: (1) : 13-16.
Published: 2022/6/30 11:12:35


目的 调查与分析影响大学生攻击性行为的共情及父母控制因素以及各因素之间的关系,探讨共情对攻击性影响的中介机制。方法 采用Arnold Buss & Mark Perry编制的攻击性问卷、Jollife基本共情量表、Soenens心理控制量表、自编大学生个人信息调查问卷,对北京市213名大学生进行调查。结果 共情和父母控制均与大学生的攻击性有显著相关。回归分析显示,攻击性主要受到父亲控制的影响,共情主要受到家庭年收入和性别的影响。中介分析发现,父母控制既直接影响攻击性,又通过共情间接影响攻击性。结论 父母控制可以通过提高共情能力降低父母控制引起的大学生的攻击性。

关键词: 父母控制;共情;攻击性


Objective To investigate and analyze the factors of empathy and parental control that affect college students' aggressive behavior and the relationship between them, and to explore the mediating mechanism of empathy on aggressive behavior.
Methods a total of 213 college students in Beijing were investigated with Arnold buss & Mark Perry's Aggression Questionnaire, jollifebasic empathy scale, soenens psychological control scale and self-designed questionnaire.
Results empathy and parental control were significantly correlated with aggression. Regression analysis showed that aggression was mainly affected by father control, empathy was mainly affected by family income and gender. Mediation analysis found that parental control not only directly affected aggression, but also indirectly affected aggression through empathy.
Conclusion   parental control can reduce the aggression of college students caused by parental control by improving empathy.

Key words: Parental control; Empathy; Aggression

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