International Oral Science Research
International Oral Science Research. 2022; 1: (1) ; 10.12208/j.iosr. 20220005 .
总浏览量: 688
湖北襄阳市口腔医院 湖北文理学院附属医院三级口腔医院 湖北襄阳
*通讯作者: 黄欣,单位:湖北襄阳市口腔医院 湖北文理学院附属医院三级口腔医院 湖北襄阳;
目的 探讨PDCA循环护理在提高牙椅水路消毒中的应用的方法及效果。方法 本研究监测方法为接种法,治疗用水的菌落数计数≦100cfu/mL为合格。将29个牙椅水路消毒情况纳入研究。研究为前后对照分析。将在2016年2月~2017年7月的常规管理的牙椅水路作为对照组,将在2017年2月~2017年7月对原牙椅单元实施PDCA循环管理的牙椅水路作为实验组,对比管理的效果。结果 在实施PDCA循环护理前的对照组牙椅水路微生物检测得到的合格率是45.6%,实施PDCA循环护理后的实验组牙椅水路合格率达到71.7%。PDCA循环护理提高了医务人员水路冲洗依从性,对照组的医务人员诊前、诊间、诊后的冲洗依从性为冲洗依从性是46.1%、41.5%、37.4%,实验组的医务人员诊前、诊间、诊后的冲洗依从性为73.1%、61.7%、52.4%。PDCA循环护理实施前后牙椅水路的菌落计数的对比的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。(治疗之间应遵循一人一用一消毒,治疗前后为患者接受牙科治疗的前、后,具体要求见“牙科综合治疗椅医院感染管理SOP流程”,依从性是指医务人员按照相应的流程执行的比例)。结论 实施PDCA循环护理利于提高牙椅水路的合格率,提高医务人员按照“牙科综合治疗椅医院感染管理SOP流程”执行的依从性,增强感染防控实施力度。
Objective: To explore the application method and effect of PDCA circulation nursing management model on dental units in stomatology department. Methods: This study used the inoculation method to detect the number of colonies, and it was qualified if the number of colonies for treatment water was 100cfu/mL. A total of 29 dental units were included. Comparative analysis of colonies before and after PDCA circulation in dental units. Dental units from Feb 2016 to July 2016 were set as the control group and given routine postoperative care. From Feb 2017 to July 2017,29cases of dental units were set as observation group,and management was implemented by PDCA circulation. The effects were compared between the twogroups. Results: Before implementing the PDCA circulation nursing, the qualified rate of the dental unit was 45.6%. After the implementation of PDCA circulation nursing, the qualified rate of water use for dental units actually reached 71.7%.Flushing compliance increased during the PDCA circulation nursing. The pre-diagnosis flushing compliance increased from 46.1% to 73.1%;the in-diagnosis compliance of medical staff increased from 41.5% to 61.7%;and the post-diagnosis flushing compliance increased from 37.4% to 52.4%.There was a statistically significant difference in the colonies for dental unitsduring the PDCA cycle (P<0.05). (During the treatment period, disinfection of one person and one chair should be followed. Before and after the dental treatment, the specific requirements are as follows: SOP process for nosocomial infection management. Compliance refers to the proportion of medical staff in accordance with“SOP process for nosocomial infection management of dental comprehensive treatment chair”.“The compliance” refers to the proportion of medical personnel who perform according to the "Surgical Treatment Chair Hospital Infection Management SOP Process”). Conclusion : Implementing the PDCA cycle nursing was conducive to promote the qualified rate of dental unit water, having improved the compliance of the medical staff following the “SOP process for nosocomial infection management”. PDCA cycle nursing enhanced the efforts of implementation of prevention measures.
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