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Advances in International Applied Mathematics

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Advances in International Applied Mathematics. 2024; 6: (2) ; 10.12208/j.aam.20240008 .

Statistics and analysis of trigonometric function questions of college entrance examination in recent 5 years -- taking 2019-2020 National Test paper and 2021-2023 New high test paper as examples

作者: 蒋微 *

扬州大学 江苏扬州

*通讯作者: 蒋微,单位:扬州大学 江苏扬州;

引用本文: 蒋微 近5年高考三角函数试题的统计与分析——以2019-2020年全国卷和2021-2023年新高考卷为例[J]. 国际应用数学进展, 2024; 6: (2) : 28-33.
Published: 2024/6/21 22:09:52



关键词: 三角函数;数学试题分析;统计与分析;综合难度模型


Taking the 2019-2020 National test paper and the 2021-2023 new college entrance examination I test paper as the research object, the trig function questions of the recent five year college entrance examination paper are statistically analyzed from three dimensions: knowledge point, mathematical core literacy and comprehensive difficulty. Due to different emphases, the trig function questions are divided into two parts: non-solution questions and unsolution questions. The direction and characteristics of trigonometric function proposition are analyzed respectively to provide teaching inspiration and teaching ideas for mathematics teachers.

Key words: Trigonometric function; Mathematical test item analysis; Statistics and analysis; Comprehensive difficulty model

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