Advances in International Applied Mathematics
Advances in International Applied Mathematics. 2024; 6: (1) ; 10.12208/j.aam.20240007 .
总浏览量: 711
北京市第四中学 北京
*通讯作者: 夏东岳,单位:北京市第四中学 北京;
In this paper, some conclusions and methods of designing protocols are obtained by referring to previous researches on zero-knowledge proof. On this basis, aiming at reducing the deception probability of the zero-knowledge proof protocol, the discrete logarithm problem is used as the mathematical support and the cut and choose technique is used as the basis for the design. A new zero-knowledge proof protocol is designed by introducing a random number as the innovation point in the final verification process and using a more complicated protocol algorithm to cut and choose process. After deducing the hypothesis of various situations, the deception scheme design under different premises is obtained. The final deception probability is obtained by using probability product events, and the goal of reducing the deception probability is achieved by comparing with the previous achievements. A personalized design scheme is proposed to reduce the probability of deception, and the future application and development direction of the protocol are given.
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