Journal of Agriculture and Food Science
Journal of Agriculture and Food Science. 2023; 3: (3) ; 10.12208/j.jafs.20230120 .
总浏览量: 875
湖南省洞口县竹市镇农业综合服务中心 湖南邵阳
*通讯作者: 曾顺爱,单位:湖南省洞口县竹市镇农业综合服务中心 湖南邵阳;
以黔邵花猪为母本,长白猪为公本,经杂交形成长×黔母本,再用黔邵花猪公猪回交, 形成黔•长×黔组合品种猪,然后合成和群体继代选育而培育的新品种--雪峰花猪,其胴体瘦肉率47.87%,比黔邵花猪胴体瘦肉率42.08%,高5.79个百分点,比黔三元杂猪胴体瘦肉率56.13%,低8.26个百分点。雪峰花猪屠宰率75.22%,比黔邵花猪屠宰率71.26%,高3.96个百分点。雪峰花猪日增重569.82g,比黔邵花猪日增重443.27g,增加28.5%,差异显著(p<0.05),雪峰花猪料肉比3.11:1,比黔邵花猪料肉比3.56:1,降低12.6%。雪峰花猪肉PH6.42±0.08,滴水损失2.54%±0.4%,肌肉剪切力42.14 N±2.53,大理石花纹等级评分为3.20±0.37,肉色评分为3.2±0.27,肌内脂肪含量1.91%±0.2,说明雪峰花猪嫩度、风味和多汁性好。加之雪峰花猪猪肉必需氨基酸和铁元素含量高,美味可口,是一款营养丰富的好肉。并对洞口县雪峰花猪产业开发方案进行了简单描述,为养猪同行提供参考。
Using Qianshaohua pig as the female parent and Landrace pig as the male parent, they grew through hybridization × Qian mother parent, then backcrossed with Qian Shaohua pig and boar to form Qian • Chang × The Xuefenghua pig, a new breed developed through the combination of Guizhou pig breeds and subsequent population breeding, has a lean meat percentage of 47.87%, which is 5.79 percentage points higher than the Guizhou Shaohua pig's lean meat percentage of 42.08%, and 56.13% lower than the Guizhou Sanyuan hybrid pig's lean meat percentage, which is 8.26 percentage points lower. The slaughter rate of Xuefenghua pigs is 75.22%, which is 3.96 percentage points higher than the slaughter rate of Qianshaohua pigs, which is 71.26%. The daily weight gain of Xuefenghua pig is 569.82g, which is 443.27g higher than that of Qianshaohua pig, an increase of 28.5%, with a significant difference (p<0.05). The feed to meat ratio of Xuefenghua pig is 3.11:1, which is 3.56:1 lower than that of Qianshaohua pig, a decrease of 12.6%. Xuefenghua pork has a pH of 6.42± 0.08, dripping loss of 2.54%± 0.4%, muscle shear force of 42.14 N± 2.53, marble grade score of 3.20± 0.37, meat color score of 3.2+0.27, and intramuscular fat content of 1.91% ± 0.2, indicating that Xuefenghua pork has good tenderness, flavor, and juiciness. In addition, Xuefenghua pork has a high content of essential amino acids and iron elements, making it a delicious and nutritious meat. And a brief description was given of the development plan for the Xuefeng Flower Pig industry in Dongkou County, providing reference for pig farming peers.
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