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Journal of Agriculture and Food Science. 2023; 3: (3) ; 10.12208/j.jafs.20230019 .

Rapid propagation of a characteristic ornamental plant Gymnospermium kiangnanense by tissue culture

作者: 王钰垚1, 孔思梦2,3, 刘欢2,3, 来水方1, 陈丹维1, 夏国华2,3, 金玉婷1, 钟泰林1 *

1 浙江树人学院城建学院 浙江绍兴

2 浙江农林大学林业与生物技术学院 浙江杭州

3 浙江农林大学亚热带森林培育国家重点实验室 浙江杭州

*通讯作者: 钟泰林,单位: 浙江树人学院城建学院 浙江绍兴;

引用本文: 王钰垚, 孔思梦, 刘欢, 来水方, 陈丹维, 夏国华, 金玉婷, 钟泰林 特色观赏植物江南牡丹草组培快繁体系初探[J]. 农业与食品科学, 2023; 3: (3) : 1-5.
Published: 2023/8/24 10:48:23


为了加快扩大特色观赏植物江南牡丹草Gymnospermium kiangnanense繁殖速度,增加资源数量,更好发挥其药用和园艺观赏应用价值。以江南牡丹草种胚为外植体,采用植物组织培养的方式培育江南牡丹草,探究种胚的无菌萌发和生根壮苗,建立无菌育苗体系,实现快速、高效地繁育出质量稳定的种苗。1.5% NaClO消毒15 min为江南牡丹草种子最佳消毒时间;MS + 1.0 mg·L-1 6-BA + 0.5 mg·L-1 KT为江南牡丹草种胚最佳启动培养基;活性炭可促进江南牡丹草胚根生长,提高种胚成苗率。本研究建立的江南牡丹草种胚组培快繁体系,对江南牡丹草野生资源保护和开发利用具有重要意义。

关键词: 江南牡丹草;特色观赏植物;无菌萌发;组织培养


In order to accelerate the characteristic ornamental plant Gymnospermium kiangnanese reproduction speed, increase the number of resources, and better exert its medicinal and ornamental application value. The seed embryo of G. kiangnanense was used as the explant, and the tissue culture method was used to cultivate the G. kiangnanense. The sterile germination and rooting of the embryo were investigated, and the sterile seedling system was established to realize the rapid and efficient breeding of stable quality seedlings. The results showed that the best sterilization treatments of G. kiangnanense seeds were 1.5% NaClO disinfectant for 15 min; The best starting medium for the embryos of G. kiangnanense was MS basal medium supplemental with 1.0 mg/L 6-BA、0.5 mg/L KT; Activated carbon could promoted the radicle growth of G. kiangnanense and improve the seedling rate of seed embryos. This study has initially established a plant tissue culture and rapid propagation system of G. kiangnanense seed embryos, which provides great significance to the protection and rapid development of G. kiangnanense wild resources.

Key words: Gymnospermium kiangnanense; Characteristic ornamental plant; Aseptic germination; Tissue culture

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