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Advances in International Applied Mathematics

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Advances in International Applied Mathematics. 2023; 5: (2) ; 10.12208/j.aam.20231107 .

The exploration of problems about definite value in conic sections

作者: 马宇超 *, 许志城, 魏俊潮

扬州大学 江苏扬州

*通讯作者: 马宇超,单位:扬州大学 江苏扬州;

引用本文: 马宇超, 许志城, 魏俊潮 关于圆锥曲线中定值问题的设法探究[J]. 国际应用数学进展, 2023; 5: (2) : 20-24.
Published: 2023/6/28 18:39:51



关键词: 韦达定理;圆锥曲线;定值问题


In Plane Analytic Geometry, Problems about definite value have always been one of the emphasis and difficulties of conic section problem, frequently appearing in college entrance examination over the years, when students face such problems, often encounter many problems such as how to start solving such problems and how to apply Vieta Theorem and so on, this paper summarizes two specific resolving ideas of these problems, hoping it can alleviate the difficulties faced by students when solving such problems.

Key words: Vieta theorem;conic sections;Fixed value problem

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