Advances in International Psychology
Advances in International Psychology. 2023; 5: (1) ; 10.12208/j.aip.20230003 .
总浏览量: 1466
重庆师范大学教育科学学院应用心理学重点实验室 重庆
*通讯作者: 洪显利,单位:重庆师范大学教育科学学院应用心理学重点实验室 重庆;
目的 探究箱庭疗法对亲密关系建立困难个案的干预效果。方法:采用个案研究法,通过12次箱庭治疗对亲密关系建立困难个案进行干预性研究。通过对箱庭作品的分析、个案自我的改变和个案在建立亲密关系时的转变和表现,得出如下 结果:(1)箱庭主题由创伤向治愈过渡,作品的整合性、充实性、流畅性和动力性显著增强,自我像成长,有典型的象征自我整合和重生的意向出现;(2)亲密恐惧量表后测得分降低,表现为减少了回避与他人建立亲密关系的行为;(3)个案开始自我悦纳,增加自信并减少与人相处时的羞耻感,开始转变被动的建立亲密关系的模式,主动表达情感和需求,主动克服困难,积极建立亲密关系。结论:箱庭疗法对干预治疗亲密关系建立困难个案有积极影响。
Objective: To explore the intervention effect of the Sandplay Therapy on the case with the difficulty of building a close relationship. Methods: with the case study method, we took 12 times Sandplay therapy treatments to intervene the case with the difficulty of building a close relationship. Results: based on the analysis of sandplay change, performance and self-changes in the close relationships of the case, The concrete results were: (1) Sandplay theme had been changed from trauma to cure transition, the integration, fullness, fluency and dynamics of the Sandplay therapy was significantly increased, the self growth was strengthened with the appearance of a typical symbol of self integration, and rebirth intentions; (2) FIS scores decreased ,the score of the avoidance of close relations with the behavior of others decreased significantly. (3) the case began to please herself, increase self-confidence and reduce the shame with the people, began to change passive mode of close relationship, to take the initiative to express feelings and needs, and to take the initiative to overcome obstacles and establish a close relationship. Conclusion : the Sandplay therapy has a positive impact on the intervention of the case with the difficulty of building a close relationship.
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