Advances in International Applied Mathematics
Advances in International Applied Mathematics. 2023; 5: (1) ; 10.12208/j.aam.20230002 .
总浏览量: 1810
*通讯作者: 武周虎,单位:青岛理工大学;
A heteromorphic superellipse is a planar closed curve with a single symmetric axis, which is frequently encountered in natural environments and human engineering designs, and thus it is of great academic importance. In this study, we define a standard equation for a new heteromorphic superellipse with four parameters comprising the half-length (half-height), half-width, richness index, and skewness index based on the planar two-dimensional variable-coefficient isoconcentration line equation for advection diffusion substances in wide rivers and specular image theory. In addition, we derive equations for computing the area of a heteromorphic superellipse and the volume of a heteromorphic superellipse revolved body. We show that the richness index only affects the degree of fullness and the skewness index only affects the distance of the deviation from the origin to the maximum width line of the heteromorphic superellipse. Furthermore, we present the characteristic parameters for 20 heteromorphic superelliptic shapes, such as an egg, aircraft cross-section, torpedo, and flying saucer. Based on our analysis, we conclude that the continuity, smoothness and integrity of the heteromorphic superellipse are good. The practical applications of the heteromorphic superellipse in areas such as tunnel and underground engineering, civil and bridge engineering, liquid transport containers, aerospace and underwater vehicles designs require further structural and fluid mechanics research.
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