Advances in International Psychology
Advances in International Psychology. 2022; 4: (2) ; 10.12208/j.aip.20220014 .
总浏览量: 2324
安徽大学文典学院 安徽合肥
*通讯作者: 赵磊,单位:安徽大学文典学院 安徽合肥;
To explore the mediating effects of cognitive distraction and technostress on the relationship between social media addiction and academic performance of college students using the "stressor-strain-outcome" model as the theoretical framework. The Social Addiction Scale, Cognitive Distraction Scale, Technostress Scale and Academic Performance Scale were used to measure college students, and 523 valid questionnaires were obtained. The results show that cognitive distraction has a significant mediating effect between social media addiction and college students' academic performance; Technostress has a significant mediating effect between social media addiction and college students' academic performance. The research has confirmed that social media addiction can negatively affect college students' academic performance through the mediating effects of cognitive distraction and technostress, which can enrich the research literature in this field.
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