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Journal of Agriculture and Food Science. 2022; 2: (3) ; 10.12208/j.jafs.20220047 .

Ecological Value Evaluation of Chengbi Mountain in Baise City, Guangxi

作者: 朱筱筱, 辛英, 周碧霞, 甘穗莲, 张婷婷, 赵光照, 庞贤芬, 蔡秋亮 *

百色学院 广西百色

*通讯作者: 蔡秋亮,单位:百色学院 广西百色;

引用本文: 朱筱筱, 辛英, 周碧霞, 甘穗莲, 张婷婷, 赵光照, 庞贤芬, 蔡秋亮 广西百色市澄碧山生态价值评估[J]. 农业与食品科学, 2022; 2: (3) : 110-116.
Published: 2022/9/14 15:30:48



关键词: 生态价值;澄碧山;条件价值评估法(CVM)


The ecological value of Chengbi Mountain in Baise city of Guangxi was evaluated based on conditional valuation method, the findings indicate that, it is estimated that the economic value of chengbi Mountain Scenic Park in Baise city will be 9.54 million yuan in 2020. the economic value of characteristic negative oxygen ion park is 16.856 million yuan, it shows that the ecological value of Chengbi Mountain scenic spot has a large appreciation space, we should develop and protect Chengbi Mountain scenic spot actively; the average annual willingness to pay in Chengbi Mountain is 29.47 yuan and 48 yuan per person,there is a significant positive correlation between tourists' satisfaction with Chengbi Mountain and their willingness to pay. Based on a survey of The Chengbi Mountains, more ecological value needs to be explored further, improves the ecological environment, combined with terrain characteristics, and launchs new featured projects.

Key words: ecological value; ChengBi mountain; CVM

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