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Marine Engineering and Technology

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江苏省教育工作先进个人(2016),江苏省“科技服务明星”和连云港市“优秀科技特派员”(2011),主要从事水产动物种质资源和健康养殖方向研究。主编《中国外来水生动植物》一部,参编国家“十三五”规划教材《水产动物遗传学》和《水族动物育种学》。近五年主持承担国家自然基金在内的各级课题几十余项,到帐科研经费800余万元。2001年以来一直从事贝类学研究,制订贝类国家种质标准一项,完成三角帆蚌选育新品种一个获上海市科技进步一等奖一项。在20年的贝类的研究中,积累了丰富的经验,目前主要对青蛤等贝类良种选育和养殖技术开展研究。 研究方向: 1.水产生物增养殖 2.水产生物种质资源与遗传育种 3.水产生物养殖技术开发研究 4.养殖水域环境治理与保护


  • 博士


  • 1、以第一作者或者通讯作者在《Cell》子刊《iScience》《Aquaculture》《BMC Ecology》《BMC Biotechnology》和《水产学报》等期刊上发表学术论文40余篇,已获授权国家发明专利5项。获得省部级科技奖5项,市厅级4项。
  • 2、代表性论文(#通讯作者)
  • 3、[1] Xiaoying Li, Shan Gao, Manman Zhao, Zhiguo Dong#. SSR Marker-Based Genetic Resource Assessment of the Rainbow Clam Moerella iridescens Along the Coasts of China: Implications for Strategy of Conservation Management[J]. Frontiers in marine science, 2022, 9: 843312.
  • 4、[2] Haibao Duan, Shuang Mao, Qing Xia, Hongxing Ge, Meimei Liu, Wenqian Li, Senlei Feng, Xugan Wu, Zhiguo Dong#. Comparisons of growth performance, gonadal development and nutritional composition among monosex and mixed‐sex culture modes in the swimming crab (Portunus trituberculatus) [J]. Aquaculture Research, 2021, 1-12.
  • 5、[3] Qian Ni, Wenqian Li, Xiafei Liang, Jialing Liu, Hongxing Ge, Zhiguo Dong#. Gill transcriptome analysis reveals the molecular response to the acute low-salinity stress in Cyclina sinensis [J]. Aquaculture reports, 2021, 19: 100564.
  • 6、[4] Hongxing Ge, Xiafei Liang, Jialing Liu, Zhenquan Cui, Luoyu Guo, Yuxuan Sun, Zhiguo Dong#. Effects of acute ammonia exposure on antioxidant and detoxification metabolism in clam Cyclina sinensis [J]. Ecotoxicology & Environmental Safety, 2021, 1211: 111895.
  • 7、[5] Min Wei, Hongxing Ge, Changwei Shao, Xiwu Yan, Hongtao Nie, Haibao Duan, Xiaoting Liao, Yihua Chen, Dongdong Zhang, Zhiguo Dong#. Chromosome-level genome assembly of the Venus clam, Cyclina sinensis, helps to elucidate the molecular basis of the adaptation of buried life [J]. iScience, 2020, 23(6): 101148.
  • 8、[6] Xiaoying Li, Min Zhang, Guanzheng Lu, Shuang Mao, Ruixue Wu, Hongxing Ge, Xueping Meng, Zhiguo Dong#. Population genetic analysis of Rainbow Clam Moerella iridescens by Using rDNA [J]. Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - Bamidgeh, 2020, 72: 1120903.
  • 9、[7] Min Zhang, Min Wei, Zhiguo Dong#, Haibao Duan, Shuang Mao, Senlei Feng, Wenqian Li, Zepeng Sun, Jiawei Li, Kanglu Yan, Hao Liu, Xueping Meng, Hongxing Ge. Fecal DNA isolation and degradation in clam Cyclina sinensis: noninvasive DNA isolation for conservation and genetic assessment [J]. BMC Biotechnology, 2019, 19 (1): 99.
  • 10、[8] Zhiguo Dong#, Shuang Mao, Yihua Chen, Hongxing Ge, Xiaoying Li, Xugan Wu, Dawen Liu, Kai Zhang, Changwang Bai, Qingqi Zhang. Effects of air-exposure stress on the survival rate and physiology of the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus. Aquaculture, 2019, 500: 429–434.
  • 11、[9] Kaiqiang Liu, Xiancai Hao, Qian Wang, Jilun Hou, Xiaofang Lai, Zhiguo Dong#, Changwei Shao. Genome-wide identification and characterization of heat shock protein family 70 provides insight into its divergent functions on immune response and development of Paralichthys olivaceus [J]. PeerJ, 2019,7: e7781.
  • 12、[10] Zhiguo Dong#, Min zhang, Sufeng Wei, Hongxing Ge, Xiaoying Li, Qiangan Ni, Qufei Ling, Yong Li. Effect of farming patterns on the nutrient composition and farming environment of loach, Paramisgurnus dabryanus [J]. Aquaculture, 2018, 497: 214-219.
  • 13、代表性专利
  • 14、[1] 一种三疣梭子蟹养殖池溏原位水处理的方法,发明专利 ZL202011347404.X
  • 15、[2] 一种水生生物模块化实验用养殖系统,发明专利 201911070586.8
  • 16、[3] 一种手握式万能双壳贝类开壳器,发明专利ZL202010140764.6
  • 17、[4] 一套埋栖型贝类高效立体生态的养殖系统,发明专利201911112433.5
  • 18、[5] 一种从贝类排泄物中提取贝类 DNA 的方法,发明专利201910700739.6
  • 19、[6] 一种利用废弃紫菜开发贝类饲料的方法,发明专利201911242962.7
  • 20、[7] 一种高产、抗逆的文蛤良种选育方法,发明专利2017106179413
  • 21、[8] 一种长牡蛎的高效养殖方法,发明专利2017106208952
  • 22、[9] 一种海洋动物标本保存与一体化方法,发明专利ZL201510072067.0、
  • 23、[10] 彩虹明樱蛤的简单重复序列引物,发明专利ZL200810195259.0
  • 24、[11] 彩虹明樱蛤的种质鉴定方法,发明专利ZL200810195260.3


  • 教授、博士生导师,江苏海洋大学学科建设办公室主任。