International Journal of Nursing Research
International Journal of Nursing Research. 2022; 4: (4) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20220176 .
总浏览量: 368
广东省茂名市妇幼保健院 广东茂名
*通讯作者: 陈玉翠,单位:广东省茂名市妇幼保健院 广东茂名;
目的 研究分析超声骨密度监测在高危儿生长发育监测中的意义与价值。方法 选取2019年6月-2020年6月内在本院接受骨密度检测的患儿共170例,所有患儿均接受规范的骨密度检测,观察骨密度不足发生率,同时比较不同性别下患儿骨密度差异、骨密度正常患儿和骨密度不足患儿体质量指数的差异情况。结果 经过对170例患儿进行超声骨密度检测后,我们发现高危儿骨密度不足发生率极高,达到了87.6%,同时骨密度正常的患儿和骨密度不足患儿的体质量指数差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 针对高危儿进行超声骨密度检测能够有效的观察到患儿骨密度不足的情况,超声骨密度监测在高危儿生长发育监测中意义重大,具有临床推广使用的价值。
Objective To study the significance and value of ultrasound bone mineral density monitoring in monitoring the growth and development of high-risk infants. Methods: A total of 170 children who received bone mineral density testing in our hospital from June 2019 to June 2020 were selected. All children received standardized bone mineral density testing to observe the incidence of bone mineral density deficiency. Differences in bone mineral density in children, differences in body mass index between children with normal bone density and children with insufficient bone density. Results: After testing 170 children with BMD by ultrasound, we found that the incidence of BMD in high-risk children was extremely high, reaching 87.6%. At the same time, there was a difference in BMI between children with normal BMD and children with BMD deficiency. There was statistical significance (P<0.05). Conclusion : Ultrasound bone mineral density testing for high-risk children can effectively observe the situation of insufficient bone mineral density in children. Ultrasound bone mineral density monitoring is of great significance in monitoring the growth and development of high-risk children, and has the value of clinical promotion and use.
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