International Medical Research Frontier
International Medical Research Frontier. 2022; 6: (3) ; 10.12208/j.imrf.20220113 .
总浏览量: 432
高县妇幼保健院 四川宜宾
*通讯作者: 刘运英,单位:高县妇幼保健院 四川宜宾;
目的 研究分析短效避孕药治疗计划生育术后出血的临床应用效果。方法 本次研究选取我院接受治疗的计划生育术后出血患者作为研究对象,纳入研究样本量为64例,所有患者均在相同时间收治入院,即2021年1月-2022年2月,以双盲法将64例患者等分为每组32例的两组,即为观察组与对照组。两组患者在住院期间,均需要接受常规治疗,观察组在此基础上实施短效避孕药治疗,比较两组的临床疗效。结果 两组治疗总有效率比较,观察组高于对照组,差异较大(P<0.05);从术后恢复情况和不良反应发生情况方面进行对比分析,术后持续疼痛时间、持续出血时间、子宫出血量、月经复测时间以及不良反应发生率指标两组的差异十分显著,且上述均是观察组优于对照组,将各项指标数据纳入统计学软件中分析计算,得出的差异均符合统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 短效避孕药在计划生育术后出血中有着良好的应用效果,与单纯常规治疗比较,止血效果更为确切。
Objective To study and analyze the clinical effect of short acting contraceptives in the treatment of hemorrhage after family planning surgery. Methods in this study, 64 patients with bleeding after family planning surgery treated in our hospital were selected as the research objects. All patients were admitted at the same time, that is, from January 2021 to February 2022. 64 patients were equally divided into two groups with 32 cases in each group, namely, the observation group and the control group, by double-blind method. During hospitalization, both groups of patients need to receive routine treatment. On this basis, the observation group is treated with short-term contraceptives, and the clinical efficacy of the two groups is compared. Results the total effective rate of the two groups was higher in the observation group than that in the control group (P<0.05); From the aspects of posto- perative recovery and adverse reactions, there were significant differences in postoperative continuous pain time, continuous bleeding time, uterine bleeding volume, menstrual retest time and adverse reaction incidence between the two groups, and the above indicators were better than the control group. The index data were included in the statistical software for analysis and calculation, and the differences were consistent with statistical significance (P<0.05). Conclusion short acting contraceptives have a good application effect in bleeding after family planning surgery. Compared with simple routine treatment, the hemostatic effect is more accurate.
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