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International Journal of Nursing Research

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International Journal of Nursing Research. 2022; 4: (4) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr.20220152 .

Effect of narrative nursing combined with humanistic care on end-of-life care of patients with primary liver cancer

作者: 冉轩 *, 刘为

重庆医科大学附属第二医院 重庆

*通讯作者: 冉轩,单位:重庆医科大学附属第二医院 重庆;


引用本文: 冉轩, 刘为 叙事护理联合人文关怀对原发性肝癌患者临终护理的影响[J]. 国际护理学研究, 2022; 4: (4) : 48-50.
Published: 2022/8/29 17:17:55


目的 叙事护理联合人文关怀对原发性肝癌患者临终护理的影响。方法 实验于2019年1月至2020年2月期间选择92例因原发性肝癌前来我科室进行治疗的病人进行调研,参与本次调研病人均为原发性肝癌患者,参与本次调研病人均接受对症治疗,同时配合护理干预。按照护理方案,将其归纳为2个小组,每组均纳入46例病人。按照护理举措将其命名为常规组与研究组。常规组所采用的护理方案为传统常规护理,研究组则采用叙事护理联合人文关怀护理。总结与探究2种护理方案实施实施效果。结果 虽然经过护理,研究组、常规组SAS评分结果、SDS评分结果改善,但常规组SAS评分结果、SDS评分结果均高于研究组,经对照差异明显,(P<0.05)。结论 叙事护理联合人文关怀在原发性肝癌护理中实施效果优异,此方案值得临床应用与普及。

关键词: 叙事护理;人文关怀;原发性肝癌


Objective: The effect of narrative nursing combined with humanistic care on end-of-life care of patients with primary liver cancer.
Methods: During the experiment from January 2019 to February 2020, 92 patients who came to our department for treatment due to primary liver cancer were selected for investigation. The patients who participated in this investigation were all patients with primary liver cancer who participated in this investigation. All patients received symptomatic treatment and cooperated with nursing intervention. According to the nursing plan, they were divided into 2 groups, and each group included 46 patients. They are named routine group and study group according to the nursing initiative. The nursing program adopted by the routine group was traditional routine nursing, while the research group adopted narrative nursing combined with humanistic care nursing. Summarize and explore the implementation effect of two nursing programs.
Results: Although after nursing, the SAS score and SDS score of the study group and the routine group were improved, but the SAS score and SDS score of the routine group were higher than those of the study group, and the difference was significant (P<0.05).
Conclusion  : Narrative nursing combined with humanistic care has an excellent effect in the nursing of primary liver cancer, and this scheme is worthy of clinical application and popularization.

Key words: Narrative Nursing; Humanistic Care; Primary Liver Cancer

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