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Journal of Agriculture and Food Science. 2022; 2: (2) ; 10.12208/j.jafs.20220010 .

On the Relationship between urban Residents' COVID-19 risk perception, Social Isolation and DinnerTogether Intention——A case study of Shenzhen

作者: 任雪佳, 吴克祥 *, 金晓丽

暨南大学深圳旅游学院 广东深圳

*通讯作者: 吴克祥,单位:暨南大学深圳旅游学院 广东深圳;


引用本文: 任雪佳, 吴克祥, 金晓丽 都市居民疫情风险感知、社会孤立感与聚餐行为意愿研究—以深圳为例[J]. 农业与食品科学, 2022; 2: (2) : 9-17.
Published: 2022/8/26 16:40:19



关键词: 计划行为理论;社会孤立感;疫情风险感知;聚餐行为意愿


With its worldwide outbreak in late 2019, the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pneumonia pandemic has changed people’s social interaction patterns. Wearing masks and maintaining social distancing with others in the post-pandemic era will become the norm, which will affect people’s intentions or behaviour for having dinner together. Based on the theory of planned behaviour, this study adds social isolation as a variable and constructs a theoretical model of the mechanism of influence on people’s dinner together intentions in the post-pandemic era. Data were collected from 503 samples using questionnaires administered via the online Questionnaire Star platform and analysed using the structural equation model. The results show that social isolation, attitudes, subjective norms, perceptual behaviour control, and dinner together intention are positively correlated, whereas the perception of COVID-19 risk has a negative moderating effect on the influence of social isolation on dinner together intention. This study enriches the theoretical expansion model of planned behaviour and analyses the factors influencing dinner together intention from the perspectives of public mental health and the external COVID-19 pandemic environment. At the practical level, it provides a theoretical basis and sources for government departments and catering enterprises to propose targeted measures to help the reasonable development of social interaction after the pandemic.

Key words: Theory of planned behavior; Social isolation; COVID-19 risk perception; Dinner together intention

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