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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2023; 7: (4) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20230154 .

Research progress of m7G RNA methylation in Cancer
m7G RNA甲基化修饰在癌症中的研究进展

作者: 刘巧玲, 李鹏涛, 迟瑞玲, 刘洪训 *

青岛市黄岛区中心医院 山东青岛

*通讯作者: 刘洪训,单位:青岛市黄岛区中心医院 山东青岛;

引用本文: 刘巧玲, 李鹏涛, 迟瑞玲, 刘洪训 m7G RNA甲基化修饰在癌症中的研究进展[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2023; 7: (4) : 1-5.
Published: 2023/4/13 1:31:11


RNA甲基化已成为表观遗传调控的一个基本过程。诸多证据表明,RNA 甲基化对许多生物学功能至关重要,其失调与人类癌症进展有关。RNA甲基化具有多种生物学特性,包括m6A、m6Am、m7G等。m7G参与调控细胞内RNA的可变剪接,定位,稳定性,影响动态修饰RNA分子的命运,以及维持RNA正常结构,蛋白质翻译,RNA-蛋白质相互作用等。目前对m7G的研究已经成为热点,但对其功能的认识还不足。本文整理描述了m7G修饰在肿瘤发病机制和药物反应/耐药中的病理作用和潜在的分子机制的最新研究成果;同时,我们对RNA 甲基化的生物学功能和机制进行总结。

关键词: RNA甲基化;m7G;METTL1;癌症


RNA methylation has become a fundamental process of epigenetic regulation. Evidence suggests that RNA methylation is essential for many biological functions, and its dysregulation is associated with human cancer progression. RNA methylation has a variety of biological properties, including m6A, m6Am, m7G, etc. m7G is involved in the regulation of variable splicing, localization, and stability of RNA in cells, affecting the fate of dynamically modified RNA molecules, and maintaining the normal structure of RNA, protein translation, and RNA-protein interactions. At present, the research of m7G has become a hot topic, but the understanding of its function is still insufficient. In this paper, we summarized the latest research results on the pathological effects and potential molecular mechanisms of m7G modification in tumor pathogenesis and drug response/resistance. At the same time, we summarize the biological functions and mechanisms of RNA methylation.

Key words: RNA methylation; M7G; METTL1; Cancer

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