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International Journal of Medicine and Data. 2022; 6: (3) ; 10.12208/j.ijmd.20220126 .

Application of intravenous therapy nursing group in continuous improvement of PICC nursing quality

作者: 韩婷 *

江苏省宿迁市泗阳康达医院 江苏宿迁

*通讯作者: 韩婷,单位:江苏省宿迁市泗阳康达医院 江苏宿迁;


引用本文: 韩婷 静脉治疗护理小组在持续改进PICC护理质量中的应用分析[J]. 国际医学与数据杂志, 2022; 6: (3) : 129-131.
Published: 2022/8/23 11:14:15


目的 分析静脉治疗护理小组在持续改进PICC护理质量中的应用效果。方法 将我院在2021.3月-2022.3月期间接受PICC治疗的60例患者为研究的对象,常规护理的一组为常规组,而接受静脉治疗护理小组服务的为研究组,两组的患者数量相同,均为30例,对两组分别护理后的不良事件发生率、护理满意度、一次穿刺成功率、投诉率展开对比。结果 研究组的不良事件发生率和投诉率都显著低于常规组,P<0.05;而研究组的护理满意度评分、一次穿刺成功率显著优于常规组,P<0.05,以上均存在统计学意义。结论 在持续改进PICC护理质量的过程中应用静脉治疗护理小组,不仅会提高护理服务的质量,同时也会减少各种不良护理事件的发生,使患者满意护理工作,值得运用及推广。

关键词: 静脉治疗护理小组;持续改进;PICC护理质量;应用


Objective to analyze the effect of intravenous therapy nursing group in continuously improving the nursing quality of PICC.
Methods 60 patients who received PICC treatment in our hospital from March 2021 to March 2022 were selected as the research objects. The group receiving routine care was the routine group, while the group receiving intravenous treatment was the research group. The number of patients in the two groups was the same, both of which were 30. The incidence of adverse events, nursing satisfaction, one-time puncture success rate and complaint rate were compared between the two groups.
Results the incidence of adverse events and the rate of complaints in the study group were significantly lower than those in the routine group (P < 0.05); The nursing satisfaction score and one-time puncture success rate of the study group were significantly better than those of the routine group (P < 0.05).
Conclusion   the application of intravenous therapy nursing group in the process of continuously improving the nursing quality of PICC will not only improve the quality of nursing service, but also reduce the occurrence of various adverse nursing events, and make patients satisfied with nursing work, which is worthy of application and promotion.

Key words: Intravenous therapy nursing group; Continuous improvement; PICC nursing quality; application

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