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International Journal of Medicine and Data

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International Journal of Medicine and Data. 2022; 6: (3) ; 10.12208/j.ijmd.20220115 .

Training strategy of health technology archives management talents under the background ofinformatization

作者: 初晶波 *

吉林省公主岭市中心血站 吉林公主岭

*通讯作者: 初晶波,单位:吉林省公主岭市中心血站 吉林公主岭;


引用本文: 初晶波 信息化背景下的卫生技术档案管理人才培养策略[J]. 国际医学与数据杂志, 2022; 6: (3) : 93-95.
Published: 2022/8/23 10:39:33



关键词: 信息化背景;卫生技术档案管理;人才培养策略


File management is an important part of the work system of each industry, and it is also an important element to promote the development and progress of each industry. File managers play a vital role in the whole file management work, so they must be held by professionals. In particular, the archives in the field of health technology are often very professional and technical, which need to be scientifically sorted and classified by the corresponding personnel, and sorted, archived and numbered according to the specifications, so as to facilitate more efficient application by relevant personnel. However, with the advancement of the times, archives management is facing more and more challenges, and the demand for high-quality management talents is also growing. Therefore, in order to ensure long-term and stable development, we must timely absorb and cultivate professional management talents to ensure the smooth progress of relevant work. In view of this, based on the information background and the management of health technology archives, this paper focuses on the strategy of cultivating high-quality management talents.

Key words: Information background; Health technology archives management; Talent training strategy

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