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International Journal of Medicine and Data

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International Journal of Medicine and Data. 2022; 6: (3) ; 10.12208/j.ijmd.20220112 .

Observation on the clinical effect of intrafascial acupuncture for prevention and treatmentof postmenopausal osteoporosis

作者: 徐婉丽 *

武汉市第八医院 湖北武汉

*通讯作者: 徐婉丽,单位:武汉市第八医院 湖北武汉;


引用本文: 徐婉丽 美沙拉嗪联合益生菌治疗炎症性肠病对临床疗效及症状消失时间的影响[J]. 国际医学与数据杂志, 2022; 6: (3) : 84-86.
Published: 2022/8/23 10:30:35


目的 在炎症性肠病患者的治疗当中,应用益生菌联合美沙拉嗪治疗,探究其临床效果和症状消失时间。方法 在2019年5月~2021年5月期间,选取50名炎症性肠病患者参与本次对照试验,按照均等性原则与随机性原则对患者分组并分别进行美沙拉嗪治疗与益生菌联合美沙拉嗪共同治疗。通过炎症性肠病症状缓解时间、临床疗效以及症状消失时间对两种方法进行评定。结果 实验组经治疗后炎症性肠病症状缓解所用时长较短,治疗总有效率高达88.00%,症状消失时间约为4周,以上数据均优于对照组且达到了P<0.05标准。结论 美沙拉嗪联合益生菌治疗炎症性肠病可以起到明显疗效,缓解病症且缩短其症状消失时间。

关键词: 美沙拉嗪;益生菌;疗效;症状消失


Objective In the treatment of patients with inflammatory bowel disease, probiotics combined with mesalazine were used to explore their clinical effects and time of disappearance of symptoms.
Methods From May 2019 to May 2021, 50 patients with inflammatory bowel disease were selected to participate in this controlled trial, and the patients were grouped according to the principle of equality and randomness, and methazalazine treatment and probiotics combined with mesalazine were treated separately. Both methods were evaluated by the time of remission of inflammatory bowel disease symptoms, clinical efficacy, and time of disappearance of symptoms.
Results The duration of the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease symptoms in the experimental group was short, the total effective rate of treatment was as high as 88.00%, and the disappearance time of symptoms was about 4 weeks, which was better than that of the control group and reached the P<0.05 standard.
Conclusion   Mesalazine combined with probiotics in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease can play a significant role in shortening the time of remission and disappearance of the disease.

Key words: Mesalazine; Probiotics; Efficacy; Symptoms disappear

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