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International Journal of Education

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International Journal of Education. 2022; 4: (3) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20220114 .

Talk about the strategies of primary school teachers to teach and educate people

作者: 马荣 *

江苏省昆山市玉峰实验学校 江苏昆山

*通讯作者: 马荣,单位:江苏省昆山市玉峰实验学校 江苏昆山;

引用本文: 马荣 浅谈小学教师教书育人的策略[J]. 国际教育学, 2022; 4: (3) : 184-186.
Published: 2022/7/30 16:40:16



关键词: 真诚;关爱;育人


The educator Mr. Tao Xingzhi once said, "Educators should hold a heart and not take half a grass with them." This sentence often touched and inspired me. As a teacher, you must sincerely love every child you teach. Especially as a class teacher, you must reflect your sincere love for your students everywhere. Observing with your heart, feeling with your heart, and caring for every child around you with your heart is the first thing we must do as a teacher. With love as the cornerstone, in the teaching, we can start from the perspective of students everywhere, put ourselves in the shoes of the students to prepare lessons, lecture, guide, and manage the class. With this sincere love for students, we can win the trust of students, inspire students' enthusiasm for learning, and guide students to grow positively and healthily.

Key words: Sincere; Care; Education

参考文献 References

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