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International Journal of Education

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International Journal of Education. 2022; 4: (3) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20220107 .

An Analysis of Multimedia Classroom Teaching Mode in Dance Teaching under the Internet Background

作者: 佟远 *

广西幼儿师范高等专科学校 广西南宁

*通讯作者: 佟远,单位:广西幼儿师范高等专科学校 广西南宁;

引用本文: 佟远 互联网背景下舞蹈教学中多媒体课堂教学模式探析[J]. 国际教育学, 2022; 4: (3) : 158-161.
Published: 2022/7/30 15:35:53



关键词: 互联网;舞蹈教学;多媒体;课堂教学


With China's Internet penetration, utilization rate is higher and higher, big data era mainstream era, China's education modernization degree is more and more high, the classroom education gradually develops gradually from the traditional offline mode for the combination of online multimedia classroom teaching mode, the teaching mode of convenience in epidemic in the process of teaching teaching highlights that occupy the home.

Key words: Internet; Dance teaching; Multimedia; The classroom teaching

参考文献 References

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