International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology
International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2022; 2: (2) ; 10.12208/j. ijog.20220037 .
总浏览量: 580
梧州市中医医院 广西梧州
*通讯作者: 贝桂珍,单位:梧州市中医医院 广西梧州;
目的 探讨分析参芪益母膏治疗人工流产术后出血的价值。方法 研究发端与终止时间分别为2020年6月和2021年6月,采用随机、对照、单盲试验设计在上述所提及的时间内选择我院接受人工流产术治疗的患者120例作为入组成员,划分为了两个不同的群组,分别为合计60例使用头孢呋辛酯片进行治疗的对照组,以及共计60例的在前组基础上使用参芪益母膏进行治疗的治疗组,根据最终的干预成效完成两个组别之间的比较与分析。结果 预后效果更好的一个组别为观察组(P<0.05);发生并发症事件概率更高的一个组别为对照组(P<0.05);获得更高满意度的一个组别为观察组(P<0.05);生活质量评分更高的一个组别为观察组(P<0.05)。结论 对于实施人工流产术后的患者而言,对其通过常规治疗基础上使用参芪益母膏接受临床医治,能够让患者获得与理想状态更为理想的康复效果,患者阴道出血量得到了较大程度的缓解,出血时间也得到了相应的减少,患者的子宫内膜厚度有一定程度的增加,是一种值得临床实际推广与使用的方式。
Objective To explore and analyze the value of Shenqi Yimu ointment in the treatment of bleeding after induced abortion. Methods The initiation and termination time of the study were June 2020 and June 2021, respectively. A randomized, controlled, single-blind trial design was used to select 120 patients who received induced abortion in our hospital during the above-mentioned period. The members of the group were divided into two different groups, namely the control group with a total of 60 cases treated with cefuroxime axetil tablets, and the treatment group with a total of 60 cases treated with Shenqi Yimu ointment on the basis of the former group. , and complete the comparison and analysis between the two groups according to the final intervention effect. Results The group with better prognosis was the observation group (P<0.05); the group with a higher probability of complications was the control group (P<0.05); the group with higher satisfaction was the observation group (P<0.05); a group with a higher quality of life score was the observation group (P<0.05). Conclusion For patients after artificial abortion, using Shenqi Yimu ointment for clinical treatment on the basis of conventional treatment can make the patient obtain a more ideal rehabilitation effect than the ideal state, and the vaginal bleeding of the patient can be improved. A greater degree of remission, the bleeding time has also been correspondingly reduced, and the patient's endometrial thickness has increased to a certain extent, which is a method worthy of clinical practice and use.
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