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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2022; 6: (6) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20220285 .

Application of psychological nursing in alleviating pain after otolaryngology surgery

作者: 彭盛媛 *

云南省中医医院耳鼻喉科 云南昆明

*通讯作者: 彭盛媛,单位:云南省中医医院耳鼻喉科 云南昆明;


引用本文: 彭盛媛 心理护理在减轻耳鼻喉部手术术后疼痛程度的应用[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2022; 6: (6) : 151-153.
Published: 2022/8/18 17:46:20


目的 研究分析耳鼻喉部手术患者护理中心理护理的作用,以此帮助护理人员进一步提高工作开展水平。方法 本次实验跨越2020年9月至2022年4月这一时间段,研究人员对88例接受耳鼻喉部手术的患者进行研究。将双盲对照原则作为本次实验所选手术患者的分组依据,研究人员在本次实验中分别采用基础护理干预、基础护理干预联合心理护理干预的方式来完成对照组及实验组患者护理任务,记录对照组及实验组患者不同时间点VAS疼痛评分、镇痛药物使用情况、患者对护理工作所持态度,并加以分析比较。结果 对照组及实验组所选患者术后24小时及术后72小时VAS疼痛评分加以分析比较,均有着不容忽视的差距,(p<0.05);对照组及实验组所选患者中分别有34人及20人使用镇痛药物,占比分别为77.27%及45.45%,组间数据加以分析比较,存在着不容忽视的差距,(p<0.05);对照组及实验组所选患者中对护理工作持十分认可及比较认可态度的人数分别为31人及42人,占比分别为70.45%及95.45%,组间数据分析比较,差异是不容忽视的,(p<0.05)。结论 在耳鼻喉部手术患者护理中心理护理发挥着至关重要的作用,有着较高的临床应用价值,能够有效减轻患者术后疼痛。

关键词: 耳鼻喉部手术;术后疼痛程度;心理护理


Objective: To study and analyze the role of psychological nursing in the nursing of patients with otolaryngology surgery, so as to help the nursing staff to further improve the level of work development.
Methods: This study spanned the time period September 2020 to April 2022 in 88 patients undergoing ENT surgery. The double-blind control principle was used as the basis for the grouping of surgical patients selected in this experiment. In this experiment, the researchers used basic nursing intervention, basic nursing intervention combined with psychological nursing intervention to complete the nursing tasks of patients in the control group and experimental group. The VAS pain scores, the use of analgesics, and the patients' attitudes toward nursing work were recorded at different time points in the control group and the experimental group, and were analyzed and compared.
Results: The VAS pain scores of the selected patients in the control group and the experimental group were analyzed and compared at 24 hours and 72 hours after the operation, and there were differences that could not be ignored (p<0.05). 34 people and 20 people used analgesics, accounting for 77.27% and 45.45%, respectively. The data between the groups was analyzed and compared, and there was a gap that could not be ignored (p<0.05). There were 31 people and 42 people who had a very recognized and relatively recognized attitude towards nursing work, accounting for 70.45% and 95.45%, respectively. The data analysis and comparison between groups showed that the difference could not be ignored (p<0.05).
Conclusion  : Psychological nursing plays a vital role in the nursing of patients with ENT surgery, has high clinical application value, and can effectively relieve postoperative pain.

Key words: ENT Surgery; Postoperative Pain Level; Psychological Nursing

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