Journal of Engineering Research
Journal of Engineering Research. 2022; 1: (2) ; 10.12208/j.jer.20220033 .
总浏览量: 416
中国联合工程有限公司 浙江慈溪
*通讯作者: 单乃军,单位:中国联合工程有限公司 浙江慈溪;
With the steady development of social economy today, the process of industrialization is obviously accelerated. In order to better meet the actual needs of the electricity market, the electrical automation technology can be improved and innovated, but the practical application of the link still reflects many problems. This paper will discuss the application of electrical automation in the power supply and distribution station management, combined with the relevant overview, analyze the application characteristics and functions, explain the shortcomings of the present stage, and formulate scientific strategies, in order to provide reference and reference.
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