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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2022; 6: (6) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20220245 .

Analysis of Clinical Application of Anti-hepatitis B virus Drugs in Hospitals of Nanjing During 2017 to 2019

作者: 计成, 汤涛, 饶惠珍, 王皓 *

南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院药学部 江苏南京

吉安市中心人民医院药剂科 江西吉安

中国药科大学 江苏南京

*通讯作者: 王皓,单位:南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院药学部 江苏南京;


引用本文: 计成, 汤涛, 饶惠珍, 王皓 2017-2019年南京地区抗乙型肝炎病毒药物利用分析[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2022; 6: (6) : 5-10.
Published: 2022/8/11 18:12:14


目的 分析江苏省南京地区2017-2019年37家医院抗乙肝病毒药物的临床应用情况,为临床使用提供参考依据。方法 分别采用用药频度(DDDs)与金额排序法,对37家南京各级医院2017-2019年使用的抗乙肝病毒药物的品种、销售金额、构成比、DDDs、限定日费用(DDC)等进行回顾性分析和统计。结果 2017-2019年,抗乙肝病毒药物在南京地区的年销售金额呈下降,平均下降率为5.19%;年DDDs逐年增长,平均增长率为9.17%;恩替卡韦的销售金额与DDDs值连续三年位居榜首,占年总销售金额、DDDs值比例三年来均超过55%。恩替卡韦与替诺福韦连续三年B/A值为1,阿德福韦酯、拉米夫定以及替比夫定的DDDs值呈现下降趋势,但是其他药物均表现为上升趋势。结论 抗乙肝病毒药物在南京地区医院整体应用较广,药品的销售金额整体上略微下降但其使用量呈上升的趋势,大部分药物的DDC为降低趋势。

关键词: 乙型肝炎病毒;销售金额;用药频度;限定日费用;药物利用


Objective: This study was designed to analyze the application of Anti-hepatitis B virus drugs in 37 hospitals in Nanjing from 2017 to 2019 and provide a reference for its clinical.
Methods: Using the medication frequency (DDDs) and the sum of money of consumption(DDC), to analysis the varieties, sales amount, composition ratio, medication frequency and daily drug cost of Anti-hepatitis B virus drugs in 37 hospitals in Nanjing in the study of Retrospective statistics.
Results: The total amount of use of Anti-hepatitis B virus drugs had decreased year by year, with an average annual declining rate of 5.19%. But the DDDs of use of Anti-hepatitis B virus drugs had increased year by year, with an average annual growth rate of 9.17%. The three-year sales and DDDs of Entecavir was ranked in the top one, and the proportion was more than 55%.B/A values of Entecavir is one in three years.
Conclusion  : The Anti-hepatitis B virus drugs are widely used in hospitals in Nanjing, the sales amount and usage as a whole showed a trend of stabilization after growth, and the vast majority of daily drug cost is decreasing.

Key words: Anti-hepatitis B virus; Sales amount of money; DDDs; DDC; Medical analyze

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