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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2022; 6: (6) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20220244 .

The clinical study of micro-implant anchorage to the intrusion of overerupted molars

作者: 娜荷雅 *

北京大学第三医院口腔科 北京

*通讯作者: 娜荷雅,单位:北京大学第三医院口腔科 北京;


引用本文: 娜荷雅 微种植体支抗辅助压低上颌伸长磨牙临床应用[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2022; 6: (6) : 1-4.
Published: 2022/8/11 18:09:45


选择因下颌磨牙长时间缺失而致上颌磨牙伸长的成年病例共10例,在其颊近远中及腭侧各植入1颗微种植体支抗钉,将其相连产生根向压低力压低伸长磨牙。10颗需压低磨牙均取得良好临床效果,平均治疗时间3个月、平均压低 2.5mm,治疗完成后压低磨牙牙根及牙周未见明显异常。采用微种植体支抗技术压低伸长磨牙,易获得患者信任及依从性,治疗时间短,疗效显著。

关键词: 微种植体;支抗;伸长磨牙;压低磨牙


To investigate the clinical effectiveness of micro-screw as anchorage to intrude overerupted molars and related factors, tenadult patients with overerupted molars were treated with insertion of micro-screw into maxilla on palatal and buccal sides respectively. The micro-screws were connected with the overerupted molars producing the force toward the roots to intrude the teeth. The overerupted molars of ten patients were successfully intruded with an average length of 2.5mm and the average duration of treatment was 3 months. The technique of micro-screws to intrude overerupted molars can provide significant effect, short duration of treatment and satisfactory compliance.

Key words: Micro-Implant; Anchorage; Molar Intrusion; Molar Elongation

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