Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine
Journal of Modern Nursing Medicine. 2022; 1: (1) ; 10.12208/j. jmnm.202200020 .
总浏览量: 536
河池市人民医院 广西河池
*通讯作者: 黄秋妮,单位:河池市人民医院 广西河池;
电击伤属于意外伤害,会造成患者昏迷,甚至呼吸心跳骤停,高压电击伤的电压在 10000 V 以上,对患者的损伤严重,治疗难度大,且会损害患者的心脑肺肾等脏器,也会由于缺血缺氧出现不可逆 的损害,且对患者的皮肤造成严重的损伤。随着医学技术的不断提高,创面可应用带蒂皮瓣及游离移植皮 瓣治疗,效果较为显著。基于此,本文就总结 1 例穿支皮瓣在高压电击伤创面修复的护理措施,具体报道 如下。
Electric shock is an accidental injury, which can cause the patient to coma, even respiratory and cardiac arrest. The voltage of high-voltage electric shock is above 10,000 V, which causes serious damage to the patient and is difficult to treat, and will damage the patient’s heart, brain, lung, kidney and other organs. It can also cause irreversible damage due to ischemia and hypoxia, and cause serious damage to the patient's skin. With the continuous improvement of medical technology, the wounds can be treated with pedicled skin flaps and free grafted skin flaps, and the effect is more significant. Based on this, this article summarizes the nursing measures of a case of perforator flap in the repair of high-voltage electric shock wound. The specific report is as follows.
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