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Scientific Development Research . 2022; 2: (3) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20220094 .

Exploring the teaching mode of electrical and electronic majors in secondary vocational schools under the background of skills competition

作者: 胡成才 *

江苏省建湖中等专业学校 江苏建湖

*通讯作者: 胡成才,单位:江苏省建湖中等专业学校 江苏建湖;


引用本文: 胡成才 技能竞赛背景下探究中等职业学校电工电子专业教学模式[J]. 科学发展研究, 2022; 2: (3) : 126-129.
Published: 2022/8/5 10:15:59



关键词: 技能竞赛;中等职业学校;电工电子专业


Under the current background of vocational education, all sectors of society have created more demands for skilled and compound talents. Secondary vocational colleges are the positions for the training of skilled professionals, and they are also extremely critical carriers, bearing the important responsibility of improving the quality of personnel training. Based on the actual situation, this paper firstly understands the important purpose of organizing and carrying out vocational skills competitions, analyzes the teaching status of electrical and elec- tronic majors in secondary vocational schools, and discusses the teaching modes and methods of electrical and electronic majors in secondary vocational schools based on the background of skill competitions. Hope it can promote the smooth and orderly development of teaching work.

Key words: Skills Competition; Secondary Vocational School; Electrical and Electronics Major

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