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Scientific Development Research . 2022; 2: (3) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20220081 .

Analysis of Creative Elements and Communication Strategies of Online Suspense dramas

作者: 周玉琪 *

武汉东湖学院 湖北武汉

*通讯作者: 周玉琪,单位:武汉东湖学院 湖北武汉;

引用本文: 周玉琪 网络悬疑剧的创作要素及传播策略分析[J]. 科学发展研究, 2022; 2: (3) : 73-75.
Published: 2022/8/3 18:04:25



关键词: 网络悬疑剧;创作要素;传播策略


With the development of the Internet, a large number of network dramas emerge at the right moment. In the case of increasingly fierce market competition and higher and higher user demand, suspense genre attracts a large number of audiences with its unique story lines, and rapidly occupies the network drama market and is favored by the majority of users. Network drama is an emerging type of film and television drama, with suspense as the theme of the majority of audiences love, attracted widespread attention, while the current popular network suspense drama is mostly adapted from IP, combined with the current social contradictions and various unstable social factors born. The profound reflection of network suspense dramas on social realistic problems has aroused the resonance of the audience to some extent. Meanwhile, it is also the interrogation of truth, the disclosure of human nature and the expectation of the rule of law. With the booming development of network suspense drama, there are also some disadvantages. This paper analyzes the creation elements of network suspense drama, which is helpful for us to learn from and develop the market of network suspense drama, and make high-quality, high-level network suspense drama in line with the guidance of national policies, and in line with the audience's viewing habits.

Key words: Internet suspense drama; Creative elements; Communication strategy

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