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Scientific Development Research . 2022; 2: (3) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20220079 .

Jurisprudential Analysis of the Rational use of Web Snapshots

作者: 陈佳欣 *, 刘力菘, 洪亮

武汉东湖学院 湖北武汉

*通讯作者: 陈佳欣,单位:武汉东湖学院 湖北武汉;

引用本文: 陈佳欣, 刘力菘, 洪亮 网页快照合理使用制度的法律分析[J]. 科学发展研究, 2022; 2: (3) : 65-68.
Published: 2022/8/3 17:53:45



关键词: 网页快照;合理使用;法律保护


Fair use is a legal requirement that "under certain conditions, users and disseminators do not pay for the use of their work without prior permission from the copyright owner." In law, fair use is the pursuit of social interests and values, and is a kind of legal system to achieve the balance of interests in the whole society. China's "fair use system" of the main articles used to list the way, of which 12 articles outlined the fair use of the system. This kind of legislation is too rigid, and its application is too narrow. With the development of the times and the changes of the society, the problem of "fair use" in the Copyright Law is exposed. Therefore, we must carefully examine the fair use system, and timely make a reasonable evaluation and specific legislative norms to be perfected, so as to better adapt to judicial practice.

Key words: Shareholder; Right to know; Legal protectio

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