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Scientific Development Research . 2022; 2: (3) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20220077 .

A Brief Discussion on the Current Situation of Ethnology Education Research in China

作者: 郝镳 *, 查娜

内蒙古工业大学 内蒙古自治区

*通讯作者: 郝镳,单位:内蒙古工业大学 内蒙古自治区;


引用本文: 郝镳, 查娜 浅议中国民族学教育研究现状[J]. 科学发展研究, 2022; 2: (3) : 57-60.
Published: 2022/8/3 11:57:04



关键词: 民族学;少数民族;教育


For the current research content of ethnological education research in my country, it is mainly to study the minority areas, which brings certain limitations to the ethnological education in our country to a certain extent. For the current ethnology and teaching research in my country, the most basic model is to use ethnicity as the basis of distinction through the evolution process of the historical development and culture of each ethnic group. Then faced with the new background of the new era, ethnological education research also needs to match the core values of society and serve as its main guiding ideology. In the daily research process of scholars and the develop- ment process of culture and pedagogy experienced by various ethnic groups, it is necessary to focus on the research and analysis of the overall changes of the country, and on this basis, a lot of multi-ethnic integration is carried out. In the whole process of pedagogy research, it is necessary to uphold the pursuit of spiritual civilization and material civilization, and to combine the two civilizations well, so as to realize the multi-faceted combination of history, economy, politics, education and culture, and finally realize the ethnology In the process of educational research, more problems can be discovered and more problems can be solved. Thereby laying a good foundation for the es- tablishment and construction of our country's socialist core values.

Key words: Ethnology; Ethnic minorities; Education

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