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Scientific Development Research . 2022; 2: (3) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20220068 .

A review of theoretical evolution in the field of agricultural land use change research

作者: 马妮娜 *

浙江工商大学 浙江杭州

*通讯作者: 马妮娜,单位:浙江工商大学 浙江杭州;


引用本文: 马妮娜 农地利用变化研究领域的理论演变综述[J]. 科学发展研究, 2022; 2: (3) : 25-28.
Published: 2022/8/2 17:22:54



关键词: 农地利用变化;理论演变;文献综述


This paper summarizes the research situation on agricultural land use change, and sorts out the theoretical evolution process of agricultural land use change research field based on time scale. Through the analysis of research theories, it is found that, first of all, the theories in the field of agricultural land use change research mainly come from economics, human geography, and planning and other disciplines. Secondly, due to differrences in social and economic backgrounds, the perspectives and emphases of theoretical research in different periods are different. In addition, there is a relationship of inheritance, supplement, or innovation between these theories.

Key words: Agricultural land use change; Theoretical evolution; Literature review

参考文献 References

[1]Swetnam R D.Rural land use in England and Wales between1930 and 1998:Mapping trajectories of change with a high resolution spatio-temporal dataset[J].Landscape and Urban Planning,2007,81(1-2):91-103.


