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Scientific Development Research . 2022; 2: (2) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20220058 .

Analysis on the strategy of improving the innovation ability of newspaper editors in the new media era

作者: 王冬梅 *

德州日报社 河北沧州

*通讯作者: 王冬梅,单位:德州日报社 河北沧州;


引用本文: 王冬梅 新媒体时代提升报纸编辑创新能力的策略探析[J]. 科学发展研究, 2022; 2: (2) : 142-145.
Published: 2022/7/30 21:47:58



关键词: 新媒体;报纸编辑;创新能力


The development of the Internet has made people's lives more convenient, information dissemination channels have become more diversified, and the dissemination speed has become faster. The new media era has come, and the paper media industry has undoubtedly suffered a huge impact in this wave. In this context, if the newspaper industry wants to seek development and not be eliminated by the times, it is necessary to enhance the innovation ability of editors, meet the market demand, and enhance the competitiveness of the industry. This paper analyzes the necessity of improving the innovation ability of newspaper editors in the new media era, and puts forward targeted strategies.

Key words: New media; Newspaper editing; Innovation ability

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