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Scientific Development Research . 2022; 2: (2) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20220054 .

The Necessity of Regulating Gene Editing by Criminal Law——From the Perspective of Comparative Law

作者: 李芸芷 *

浙江工商大学法学院 浙江杭州

*通讯作者: 李芸芷,单位:浙江工商大学法学院 浙江杭州;


引用本文: 李芸芷 基因编辑入刑之必要性思考——以比较法为视野[J]. 科学发展研究, 2022; 2: (2) : 123-127.
Published: 2022/7/30 21:33:34



关键词: 基因编辑;刑法规制;必要性


As a new biotechnology, gene editing has great implications for precision medicine and disease prevention. New and challenging social, ethical, and legal implications are associated with the use of genetic infor- mation in the treatment and prevention of disease. These risks pose difficulties for criminal legislation. From the perspective of comparative law, the legal supervision system of gene editing technology differs from country to country, but all of them reflect the inevitability of legal regulation of gene editing. The Criminal Law Amendment (11) officially incorporated gene editing into the criminal law in 2020, which is a reasonable path at the right time and in line with the modesty and openness of criminal law.

Key words: Gene-editing; Criminal Regulations; Necessity

参考文献 References




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