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Scientific Development Research . 2022; 2: (2) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20220045 .

Community comprehensive system governance background offline community comprehensive city practice research

作者: 吴雨泽 *, 郭渊, 王瑞琪, 刘梦影, 廖洋, 张岩

大连科技学院 辽宁大连

*通讯作者: 吴雨泽,单位:大连科技学院 辽宁大连;


引用本文: 吴雨泽, 郭渊, 王瑞琪, 刘梦影, 廖洋, 张岩 社区综合体制治理背景下线上社区综合门市实务研究[J]. 科学发展研究, 2022; 2: (2) : 86-88.
Published: 2022/7/30 20:37:03



关键词: 社区综合体制改革;线上社区综合门市;多元主体


With the rapid development of The Internet in China, the comprehensive community system reform carried out by the state has been applied to community governance, and communities are gradually "networked". E-commerce platforms in communities rise to meet the increasing needs of community residents in daily life with convenient and comfortable services. But at the same time, there are also many problems to be solved, such as malicious competition in the market, product quality can not be guaranteed, limited services for special groups, single or missing service functions and other problems emerge endlessly. Therefore, the idea of on- line community integrated retail store comes into being. This project will follow the innovative development model, link with the government, communities, social organizations, enterprises and other stakeholders, and give full play to the media role of social workers to provide convenient and personalized services for residents. Community inte- grated retail stores will practice the three-stage development thinking from universality to individuation and finally to comprehensive transformation, create a new community environment, promote the coordinated and healthy de- velopment of the community, and improve the living standard and quality of residents.

Key words: Community comprehensive institutional governance,Integrated online community outlets,Multiple subject

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