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Scientific Development Research . 2022; 2: (2) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20220043 .

Investigation and research on the condition of people participating in fitness running competition in Shaanxi province under the background of national Games

作者: 刘佳 *

陕西学前师范学院 陕西西安

*通讯作者: 刘佳,单位:陕西学前师范学院 陕西西安;


引用本文: 刘佳 全运背景下陕西参与健身跑赛事运动人群状况的调查研究[J]. 科学发展研究, 2022; 2: (2) : 74-80.
Published: 2022/7/30 20:28:20



关键词: 全运背景;健身跑;运动人群


In terms of academic ideas, this study is relatively cutting-edge, closely centering on the compre- hensive fitness tide under the background of "Healthy China action" and "Shaanxi National Games", so as to ensure the timeliness and practicality of the study; Firstly, from the level of sports itself to the study of sports participants, then from a single variable to a multi-variable analysis, and finally form a ring study; It is of positive significance to xi 'an city fitness running.

Key words: Total transport background; Jogging; Sports peoples

参考文献 References

[1]体育特色小镇助力乡村振兴:内在机理与发展路径——基于四个典型案例的分析[J].周进,钟丽萍.四川体育科学. 2020(04)




