Scientific Development Research
Scientific Development Research . 2022; 2: (2) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20220038 .
总浏览量: 544
长春工业大学 吉林长春
*通讯作者: 邱凤香,单位:长春工业大学 吉林长春;
Decorative art is a nation or a country in the historical development accompanied by production and lifestyle, formed from generation to generation, with a strong national and local. It expresses the simple aes- thetic orientation of a nation, and the decorative art of Xiangtangshan Grottoes is also a form of inheritance. This article is to expound on the main decorative patterns in the Xiangtangshan Grottoes, the scroll grass pattern, and its inheritance to the modern national culture. Incorporating the curly grass patterns of the Xiangtangshan Grottoes into the design of the regional cultural icons in Handan can make her better pass down and make these decorative patterns enduring for a long time.