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Scientific Development Research . 2022; 2: (2) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20220035 .

The Connection between Environmental Damage Compensation System and Environmental Public Interest Litigation

作者: 梅银洪 *

浙江工商大学法学院 浙江杭州

*通讯作者: 梅银洪,单位:浙江工商大学法学院 浙江杭州;

引用本文: 梅银洪 生态环境损害赔偿制度与环境公益诉讼的衔接[J]. 科学发展研究, 2022; 2: (2) : 42-46.
Published: 2022/7/29 15:22:51



关键词: 生态环境损害赔偿;环境公益诉讼;制度衔接


The ecological environment damage compensation system is based on the traditional environmental public interest litigation, focusing on reflecting the environmental supervision and protection res- ponsibilities undertaken by the state, and the construction of a special system for relieving ecological environment damage. The existing legal disputes, legislation, and law enforcement conflicts and contradictions between the two systems still need to be resolved and clarified. Therefore, its convergence is necessary and urgent. Constructing a main body of litigation mechanism with administrative organs as the priority and supplemented by environmental protection organizations, perfecting the consultation mechanism is a feasible way to achieve the convergence of the two systems.

Key words: Environmental damage compensation; Environmental public interest litigation; Institutional convergence

参考文献 References



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