International Journal of Medicine and Data
International Journal of Medicine and Data. 2022; 6: (2) ; 10.12208/ j.ijmd.20220084 .
总浏览量: 459
吉林省公主岭市中心血站 吉林公主岭
*通讯作者: 初晶波,单位:吉林省公主岭市中心血站 吉林公主岭;
Blood stations are important institutions for blood collection and supply. The work of financial archives of blood stations involves the calculation of unit taxes and other work, which is closely related to the daily work of blood stations. Daily expenditure, procurement and other work are related to financial archives. Financial files are an important part of blood station files, and can record daily work at the same time. It can be said that the level of archival work is the epitome of the whole blood station management, which directly reflects the quality of management. In the past, there were many problems in the institutionalized management of accounting archives in blood stations, mainly including poor awareness of archives management, low quality of accounting archives personnel, poor quality of work-related hardware, confusion of management content, etc. To improve the quality of accounting archives management, we should do a good job in the institutionalized management of accounting archives, do a good job in exploring the working system, and constantly improve the management quality through practice. This paper analyzes the characteristics of the current blood station archives management, and puts forward effective strategies to improve the blood station accounting archives system in combination with the above problems.
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