International Journal of Medicine and Data
International Journal of Medicine and Data. 2022; 6: (2) ; 10.12208/ j.ijmd.20220054 .
总浏览量: 508
湖北理工学院医学院药学系 湖北黄石
黄石世星药业有限责任公司 湖北黄石
湖北理工学院医学院药学系 湖北黄石;肾脏疾病发生与干预湖北省重点实验室 湖北黄石
*通讯作者: 刘进,单位:湖北理工学院医学院药学系 湖北黄石;肾脏疾病发生与干预湖北省重点实验室 湖北黄石;
Clarithromycin is a new generation of 14 membered macrolide drug. It is a derivative of erythromycin and belongs to the second generation of macrolide antibiotics. Because of its good stability, high absorption rate, wide antibacterial spectrum, strong antibacterial activity, high blood concentration, long half-life, good curative effect and small side effects, it has been widely used in clinical treatment. This paper reviews the research progress of clinical application of clarithromycin in recent years, in order to provide reference for the further research of clinical application of clarithromycin.
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