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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2022; 6: (5) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20220230 .

Application of 3D printing technology in nursing teaching in neurology

作者: 韩敏 *, 何玲, 杨文, 弋霄

川北医学院附属医院 四川南充

*通讯作者: 韩敏,单位:川北医学院附属医院 四川南充;

引用本文: 韩敏, 何玲, 杨文, 弋霄 3D打印技术在神经内科护理带教中的应用[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2022; 6: (5) : 124-126.
Published: 2022/7/18 18:14:25


目的 探究3D打印技术应用于神经内科护理带教当中的效果,为临床护理教学提供依据。方法 择取2021年1月至2021年12月我院神经内科60名实习护生作为研究对象,平均分为管理组和参照组个30人,管理组实习生采用3D打印技术开展护理带教,参照组实习生实行普通护理带教,对比带教结果。结果 管理组考核成绩高于参照组,(P<0.05);管理组护理带教模式认可度高于参照组,(P<0.05)。结论 3D打印技术应用于神经内科护理带教当中可有效提升护理带教质量,值得推广和应用。

关键词: 3D打印技术;神经内科;护理带教


Objective: To explore the effect of 3D printing technology applied in neurology nursing teaching, and to provide basis for clinical nursing teaching.
Methods: 60 nursing students in the department of Neurology of our hospital from January 2021 to December 2021 were selected as the research objects, and they were divided into management group and reference group with an average of 30 students. The management group interns carried out nursing teaching with 3D printing technology, and the reference group interns carried out general nursing teaching, and the teaching results were compared.
Results: The performance of management group was higher than that of reference group (P < 0.05); The recognition degree of nursing teaching mode in management group was higher than that in reference group (P < 0.05).
Conclusion  : THE application of 3D printing technology in neurology nursing teaching can effectively improve the quality of nursing teaching, worthy of promotion and application.

Key words: 3D printing technology; Department of Neurology; Nursing teaching

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