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International Journal of Clinical Research. 2022; 6: (4) ; 10.12208/j.ijcr.20220154 .

Effect analysis of humanized service in elderly physical examination

作者: 许蜜蜜 *

浙江省金华市东阳市中医院 浙江金华

*通讯作者: 许蜜蜜,单位:浙江省金华市东阳市中医院 浙江金华;

引用本文: 许蜜蜜 人性化服务用于老年健康体检中的效果分析[J]. 国际临床研究杂志, 2022; 6: (4) : 52-54.
Published: 2022/6/30 10:05:06


目的 探讨在老年健康体检期间为其提供人性化服务的应用效果以及患者对护理服务效果的评价。方法 选取2021年1月到2021年12月期间在我院接受健康体检的老年受检者,共有100例纳入本次研究,将老年受检者随机编号均分2组,对照组老年受检者在体检过程中施以常规护理,研究组老年受检者在体检过程中施以人性化服务,重点分析老年受检者在体检过程中体检指标、护理满意度、检查依从性以及对护理人员工作投入度评价。结果 体检指标方面,研究组健康宣教、体检质量、体检效率评分均较高,体检时间较短,P<0.05;满意度方面,研究组护理满意度评价较高,P<0.05;依从性方面,研究组检查依从性较高,P<0.05。结论 在老年健康体检过程中施以人性化服务可缩短体检时间,提高老年受检者的满意度,建议推广应用。

关键词: 老年;健康体检;人性化服务;体检指标;满意度


Objective: To explore the application effect of providing humanized services for the elderly during physical examination and the evaluation of patients on the effect of nursing services.
Methods: a total of 100 elderly subjects who underwent physical examination in our hospital from January 2021 to December 2021 were included in this study. The elderly subjects were randomly divided into two groups. The elderly subjects in the control group were given routine nursing during the physical examination, and the elderly subjects in the study group were given humanized services during the physical examination. The physical examination indexes, nursing satisfaction Check the compliance and evaluate the work engagement of nursing staff.
Results: In terms of physical examination indicators, the scores of health education, physical examination quality, and physical examination efficiency of the research group were all higher, and the physical examination time was shorter, P<0.05; in terms of satisfaction, the nursing satisfaction evaluation of the research group was higher, P<0.05; Group inspection compliance was higher, P < 0.05.
Conclusion  : humanized service in the process of physical examination for the elderly can shorten the time of physical examination and improve the satisfaction of elderly subjects. It is suggested to popularize it.

Key words: old age; Physical examination; Humanized service; Physical examination indicators; Satisfaction

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