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Advances in International Computer Science. 2022; 2: (1) ; 10.12208/j. aics.20220010 .

Application of database audit system based on SQL optimization in production

作者: 韦峻峰 *, 王骞

中国联合网络通信有限公司河南省分公司 河南

*通讯作者: 韦峻峰,单位:中国联合网络通信有限公司河南省分公司 河南;


引用本文: 韦峻峰, 王骞 基于SQL优化的数据库审核系统在生产中的应用[J]. 国际计算机科学进展, 2022; 2: (1) : 37-41.
Published: 2022/6/30 20:28:14


随着公司业务发展,业务需求变化和数据量变化呈现爆炸式增长,随业务多样性和数据量变化,给数据库性能带来前所未有的压力,因此数据库性能带来的故障越来越受到关注。生产系统变更涉及到性能优化需要修改设计、修改代码、耗时较长,解决问题牵涉的人员较多、流程偏于复杂、时效性较差,给系统问题解决带来一定的影响,如何在系统设计、开发和测试阶段,及时发现问题,解决问题,简化流程。为此,开发基于SQL优化的数据库审核系统,有效地协助开发人员、 DBA 审核发现问题,快速精准地定位 SQL 的问题点和快速解决 SQL 问题,在保证高质量的上线SQL 代码,SQL 质量管控和预测 SQL 性能方面,极大的简化 DBA 的工作和提高运维效率。有效避免性能问题产生故障。

关键词: SQL;数据库;审核


With the development of a company's services, service requirements and data volume change rapidly increase. As service diversity and data volume change, database performance is under unprecedented pressure. Therefore, database performance faults are more and more concerned. Production system change involves the performance optimization need to modify the design, modify the code, takes longer, solve the problem involving more people and process more complicated, poor timeliness, brings the certain effect to the system problem solving, how to in system design, development and testing phase, timely find problems and solve the problem, simplify the process. To this end, the development of database audit system based on SQL optimization, effectively assist developers and DBA audit to find problems, quickly and accurately locate SQL problems and quickly solve SQL problems, in the assurance of high quality online SQL code, SQL quality control and prediction of SQL performance. Greatly simplifies DBA's work and improves operation and maintenance efficiency. Effectively avoid performance problems.

Key words: SQL; Database; Audit

参考文献 References

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