International Journal of Nursing Research
International Journal of Nursing Research. 2022; 4: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ijnr. 20220054 .
总浏览量: 399
中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院精神心理科 云南昆明
*通讯作者: 赵芳梅,单位:中国人民解放军联勤保障部队第九二〇医院精神心理科 云南昆明;
目的 了解精神科患者心理CT的实施过程,并对其暴力行为预测情况进行分析,探讨相应的护理干预措施。方法 本次研究由我院收治的精神科患者参与实施,共计人员88例。为预测患者的暴力行为,临床对所有患者实施心理CT检查,并对检查结果进行整理与分析。在充分考量各方面内容的前提下,对临床护理干预措施进行探讨,强化护理的针对性。结果 经心理CT检查,22.73%的患者暴力行为预测结果为阳性,共计人数20例。并且在这20例阳性患者文化程度的调查统计上来看,初中及以下学历水平所占比例较大,其次为高中。结论 精神科患者暴力行为的存在,对医护人员及其家属均存在一定威胁。为避免不良事件的出现,心理CT检查项目的实施,可帮助医护人员完成患者暴力行为的预测,从而对临床护理方案做出针对性的调整,强化护理风险方面的防范,以此在确保患者身边照顾者人身安全的前提下,达到更好的护理效果。
Objective To understand the implementation process of psychological CT in psychiatric patients, to analyze the prediction of violent behavior, and to discuss the corresponding nursing intervention measures. Methods This study was carried out by psychiatric patients admitted to our hospital, with a total of 88 patients. In order to predict the violent behavior of patients, psychological CT examination was performed on all patients, and the examination results were sorted and analyzed. On the premise of fully considering all aspects, the clinical nursing intervention measures are discussed to strengthen the pertinence of nursing. Results Psychological CT examination showed that 22.73% of the patients were positive for violent behavior prediction, a total of 20 cases. And from the survey and statistics of the educational level of these 20 positive patients, junior high school and below accounted for a larger proportion, followed by high school. Conclusion The existence of violent behavior of psychiatric patients poses a certain threat to medical staff and their families. In order to avoid the occurrence of adverse events, the implementation of the psychological CT examination project can help the medical staff to complete the prediction of the violent behavior of patients, so as to make targeted adjustments to the clinical nursing plan, strengthen the prevention of nursing risks, and ensure the patient's side. Under the premise of the personal safety of the caregiver, better nursing effect can be achieved.
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