International Journal of Materials Science
International Journal of Materials Science. 2022; 4: (1) ; 10.12208/j. ijms.20220001 .
总浏览量: 1206
华北理工大学口腔医学院 河北唐山
*通讯作者: 冯丽芳,单位:华北理工大学口腔医学院 河北唐山;
The materials used in the field of prosthodontics are mainly ceramic materials, and its development has gone through a long process. Zirconia ceramic materials, due to their excellent mechanical and aesthetic properties, are the most widely used prosthetics in clinic by dentists. Some scholars have found a new type of nano zirconia based on zirconia materials and claimed that it has better properties. At present, scholars have found that zirconia ceramics will make the material brittle and lead to fatigue failure after long-term use, but most of the research is limited to the dry environment, and the oral cavity is mainly a complex humid environment. This paper summarizes the development history of dental ceramics, and discusses the possible research direction of cyclic fatigue properties of zirconia ceramics in dry and wet environment.
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