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International Journal of Education

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International Journal of Education. 2022; 4: (2) ; 10.12208/j.ije.20220059 .

School-enterprise culture docking and deep integration based on enterprise-running schools——Take Beijing Business School as an example

作者: 董静 *

北京商贸学校 北京

*通讯作者: 董静,单位:北京商贸学校 北京;

引用本文: 董静 基于企业办学的校企文化对接及深度融合——以北京商贸学校为例[J]. 国际教育学, 2022; 4: (2) : 177-180.
Published: 2022/6/18 18:29:47



关键词: 校企文化;中职学校


Taking Beijing Business School as an example, this paper actively explores the collision, connection and integration mechanism between industry corporate culture and campus culture from three aspects: campus culture construction, classroom teaching, and extracurricular activities. Vocational schools provide a certain reference for cultural integration and personnel training.

Key words: School-Enterprise Culture; Secondary Vocational School

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