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Scientific Development Research . 2022; 2: (1) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20220025 .

Analysis and countermeasure research on the physical health status of employeesin a municipal company in Yinchuan City

作者: 李克伟 *

宁夏体育科学技术中心 宁夏银川

*通讯作者: 李克伟,单位:宁夏体育科学技术中心 宁夏银川;


引用本文: 李克伟 银川市某市政公司职工体质健康状况分析及对策研究[J]. 科学发展研究, 2022; 2: (1) : 101-104.
Published: 2022/6/16 13:54:05



关键词: 市政公司职工;中青年;体质状况;健康


By studying and analyzing the physical fitness status of the youth and middle-aged group of Yinchuan Ning dong Municipal Corporation employees aged 20-60 in 2020 and putting forward countermeasures and suggestions, we provide guidance basis for improving the physical fitness status of municipal corporation employees. The results showed that 1) the physical fitness rate of young men and women of the company's workers reached more than 80%, while middle-aged men and women were affected by ageing and factors such as sedentary work and less physical activity, and the level of physical fitness condition was poor; 2) except for the strength of middle-aged men, middle-aged flexibility quality and balance ability of men and women are better, the physical function and quality level of young men and women are generally lower than the national average. It is recommended to improve unreasonable lifestyles through diet and physical exercise, target scientific exercise and increase aerobic exercise methods to enhance cardiopulmonary function.

Key words: Municipal company workers; Middle-aged and young people; Physical fitness status; Health

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