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Scientific Development Research . 2022; 2: (1) ; 10.12208/j.sdr.20220023 .

The practical application of enterprise-level project set management system in the constructionof smart city industry projects

作者: 陈琼莲 *

上海商汤智能科技有限公司 上海

*通讯作者: 陈琼莲,单位:上海商汤智能科技有限公司 上海;


引用本文: 陈琼莲 企业级项目集管理体系在智慧城市行业项目建设中的实践应用[J]. 科学发展研究, 2022; 2: (1) : 93-96.
Published: 2022/6/16 13:46:17



关键词: 企业级项目;管理体系;智慧城市;建设;实践应用


In December 2017, General Secretary Xi put forward requirements on accelerating the development of smart cities, expressing the need to fully implement the national big data strategy and accelerate the construction of digital China. The project implementation, product research and development, production, application of IT technology and other aspects of various enterprises have important practical significance in the construction of smart city industry projects. Strengthening urban integration and the development of agricultural modernization play a role in promoting the sustainable development of cities. This paper makes the following discussions on the practical application of enterprise project management in the construction of smart city industry projects, mainly including the content of enterprises and projects, the development of smart cities, and the practical application of the combination of the two. research provides useful value.

Key words: Enterprise-level project; Management system; Smart city; Construction; Practical application

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